Saturday, March 10, 2012


Biscuits are good. I can and do eat them all day. But yesterday I managed to restrain myself long enough not to finish the whole packet of all butter white choc chunk M&S cookies. How great am I?? I am in the process of finishing them now though. And I feel sick. I'm sure another biscuit will make it better... It's ridiculous, I have no will-power. I was planning to go to bed more than an hour ago, but here I am watching last week's episodes of the Colbert Report. I can't be blamed for that though, the man's a genuis. Oh, and he's just said he's a chocaholic too! While the hubbie was away last week, instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour each night I sat in bed reading until stupid o'clock. And it's not like I could have a nice long lie-in any day, my junior alarm clock goes off at 8.15 every morning - you could set your watch by her - when we had to do battle over the dreaded nappy change. Thank God for YouTube and Charlie and Lola. My Beautiful Girl seems to have it sussed though. She's amazing, whatever she's having, she eats til she's had enough and then she stops. I don't know where she got it from, but I'm glad she has it. There are some days she'll eat 3 breakfasts and then nothing for the rest of the day, I think she's part Hobbit in that way. At least I guess I can blame my expanding waistline on the bump and not the biscuits.

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