Sunday, August 29, 2010

Never wake a sleeping baby

Unless she's mysteriously snoozey at 10pm and her usual bedtime of midnight means neither you nor she will wake for about 10  hours.  She may well be proof that early to bed means early to rise, although that sort of behaviour will be explained only by a rogue gene mutation.

Well, at least being up at 4am gave me the impetus to finally start a blog - the General has long suggested he feels selfish being the primary recipient of my ravings, and I think he fears Beautiful Girl will be similarly afflicted.  It is lkely to be far worse for her as she is a while away from crawling, let alone politely backing away with a nervous smile.  I'm not sure how good I'm going to be at this blogging thing, but for the next few months (I'm probably being optimistic, make that years) it's likely to be one handed, so please bear that in mind when you're judging me.


  1. Hi Wifely,
    I for one think you are great at blogging. I like your style. Keep the posts coming and just think that when your up at 4am with your lol I will most probably be up with Bees hehe strength in numbers :-)

  2. Thanks CLM, you're very good! Hopefully we'll change the world with our musings...
